Sunday, August 2, 2009

Back-to-School Shopping

The granddaughter and I went back-to-school supply shopping yesterday. Times have changed!! The kids need dry erase markers, highlighters, specific Sharpie pens, specific other pens and lots of other things. Glad our kids are grown! It's fun shopping for the grandchildren because we don't "need" to be responsible for everything they need. The one item that I found interesting is that 5th graders need multiple composition books. At first I thought that meant spiral notebooks. But no, it means a book sewn together having a schedule on the front inside cover to fill in and using wide lined paper. It looks to me much like the brown one I remember at my grandmother's home when I was growing up. It makes me think that everything old is new again.

We did have a great time together and found my pink/purple granddaughter a couple of new items of clothing for back-to-school. She is a bargain hunter and was thrilled to find jeans she knew retailed for $33 on the clearance rack for $7. They fit her perfectly too!

We also enjoyed lunch together and shopping for yarn and knitting needles. Knitting is a big hit with fourth to seventh grade girls around here this summer. Good passtime to learn and know for the rest of their lives.

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